In a national survey conducted in 2012, approximately 8.4 million American adults suffered from addiction and a mental health issue such as OCD. This number of people are those who are aware of their co-existing addiction and mental health disorder, meaning the number is likely much higher, as the majority of people with mental health issues never receive treatment. However, Lexington OCD and addiction treatment is dedicated to helping to decrease those numbers and helping addicts who suffer from mental health issues get the dual diagnosis they need.
If you would like more information about your options for treatment and recovery, contact Lexington drug rehab centers. Call (877) 804-1531 for more information.
Examples of compulsions include counting, tapping, repeating words, and performing actions over and over. Examples of this include ensuring doors are locked or washing hands, and putting things in order. Performing these behaviors are to prevent or lessen anxiety or to prevent an unrealistic negative event. An example of an event is becoming sick if hands aren't washed on a regular schedule. The symptoms of OCD have a significant impact on an OCD sufferer's daily life or functioning. Examples of this include having difficulty concentrating or sleeping which causes significant stress, or takes up significant blocks of time.
One of the major impacts OCD has on health is when an individual turns to substances to self-medicate. When this prolonged self-medication leads to addiction, depending on the substance of abuse, the individual's health may be seriously impacted by the continuous intake of drugs or alcohol. Also, seen in hand washers or hair pullers, these habits may lead to painful and raw patches of skin due to excessive hand washing or hair pulling.
Psychological treatments for OCD are also helpful in treating addiction. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps the individual counteract negative thoughts (leading to compulsions). Behavior modification therapy focuses on helping OCD sufferers evade and then stop urges to engage in compulsive behaviors without developing anxiety and having panic attacks. Examples of behavior therapies include a technique called response prevention. This technique involves delaying and eventually not engaging in compulsions. The individual practices this by repeatedly being exposed to situations that may generate temptations to perform compulsions and practicing not engaging.
To discuss any questions or concerns, call addiction recovery centers in Lexington. You can also visit your local Narcotics Anonymous ( for more support.